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John Doe 1 minute ago
We are creating a new guild. Check it out and join!
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LeagueLover 66 1 minute ago
Anyone want to play some league today?!
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Web3 Community   Platform for Gamers

Unlock your gaming potential, build your reputation and connect with your peers.

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✨ Gilder Features


Where gamers share

Gilder Forums will be the perfect place to find the latest gaming news, announcements and analysis. Interact with the makers of your favorite games, shill your latest NFTs or share your latest gameplay on this sleek and dynamic forum.

A screenshot of the Gilder forum

Where gamers meet

Gilder chat will be your direct connection to other gamers and friends. Chat with your gaming buddies through a stunning group chat or direct messaging experience.


Where gamers show-off

Gilder individual gamer profile will give you the opportunity to share your gaming experience with the whole world. Achievements, gaming setup, favorite esports teams, or links to your other gaming-related accounts will all be turbocharging your Gilder profile.


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